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M3 Trench Knife w/ M8 scabbard
M3 Trench Knife w/ M8 scabbard
: $69.99

Choose M3 Knife*:

Choose M8 Scabbard*:

Add Web Utility Strap*:

Product Description
Which M3 is better? Compare
for yourself with mint originals.
The Ontario is a copy of the most
numerous style of M3- parkarized
with an 8 groove, full leather handle.
The imported M3 is a
copy of the early production
knives made by Imperial,
with black spacers at the
guard and pommel.

M3 Trench Knife with Scabbard. This can be worn on the trouser or pistol belt, or attached to the leg with a utility strap. Using the drop down menus, choose from a variety of knife and scabbard models. Ontario M3's are extra cost.

M3 Trench Knife (imported)
Ontario M3 Trench Knife (Made in USA)

M8, OD3 ("khaki" webbing)
M8 "Transitonal" (mixed "khaki" and od green web)
M8, OD7 (dark green webbing)

Add Web Utility Strap (yes/ no)
The strap allows one to attach the scabbard to their leg rather than the belt.

We will NOT ship knives or bayonets outside of the United States. No International Orders this includes Canada!