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M7 Assault Gas Mask Bag, khaki straps
M7 Assault Gas Mask Bag, khaki straps
: $59.99


Product Description

Mostly American made reproduction of the M7 "Assault" rubberized bag issued to assault troops in the Normandy Landings as well as numerous other amphibious and airborne operations. This model has olive drab no.3 ("khaki") straps.

Our bags are very difficult to distinguish from the originals- we used the correct weight and color rubber, and realistic Chemical Corps stencils. The rubber itself is imported- but the snaps, webbing and hardware are American made and installed here in our shop. Our materials are as good as the military bags issued in WWII.

The snaps and hooks won't don't break the first time they're used, and the webbing is the correct Type IIB cotton, not the paper thin, poorly dyed binding tape used on many other reproductions.

It's tight!
To close the bag, the flap must be rolled very tightly in order for the snaps to meet- this correct and the same as the originals. If they were looser and easier to close, the bag wouldn't be waterpoof. This is one reason we used American snaps- the Asian ones never last very long. They can make stealth fighters and ICBM's, but simple press snaps are a problem. Go figure.

Practicality: Being made to hold a specific gas mask, the bags are an odd shape, and weren't really designed for easy access. They are well made and tough and might make a good choice for a canoe bag, but for "everyday carry" tasks there are better, easier to use choices.

Markings: Just like originals, the stencils on the rubber isn't always flawless. Again, like originals, the markings wear off with use anyway.

Rubber Imported/ balance USA Made