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Liner Chinstrap, Leather
Liner Chinstrap, Leather
: $19.99


Product Description
Scovil brand rivets. Shown in use.
(Helmet not included.)
Exact copies of WWII liner chinstraps. The hardware is not Belgian or Dutch surplus; it is new reproduction made by Anchor, one of the original W.W. II manufacturers. We had it plated in olive drab as was the hardware on early W.W. II helmets. (Black hardware appeared late in the War.) Assembled with Scovil brand fasteners (the cap may say "Scovil" or "DOT" both are Scovil manufacture, so don't stroke out.).

Made in USA

"Fit" Note: These require a stud on the inside of the helmet liner to attach the triangular loop to. If you are trying to use a Vietnam or later issue US helmet liner, the only way to make these work is to rivet them in. There is no provision in these liners for a chinstrap as they did not use them.