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M1941 Canteen Cover, Mounted
M1941 Canteen Cover, Mounted
Canteen NOT included
: $39.99


Product Description
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Originally designed for use by cavalry troops, this cover has become closely associated with Airborne troops in recent years. However, it was actually designed for Cavalry- it's official name in the US Army quartermaster catalog is "Cover, Canteen, M1941, Mounted". The covers is essentially the same as the M1910, except that the wire hook used to attach it to pistol and cartridge belts is re-inforced with 5/8" webbing at the top and bottom. There is also a slot in the webbing that holds the hook allowing the cover to be worn on a regular trouser belt or attached to equipment without requiring the mounting eyelets.

These covers are manufactured by ATF in our factory in Columbia, Ky. The #8 100% cotton canvas army duck, custom dyed to match WWII olive drab number 3 (often called "khaki"). The markings are stenciled on with water based ink and heat cured. The cover is lined with gray wool fabric from the Woolrich Mill in Pennsylvania. Our fasteners are genuine Lift-the-dots from the Scovil Company in Georgia. After assembly, each cover is test-fitted with a WWII canteen and cup and inspected.

Stamp Note: We randomly use two different maker names both "Crawford" and "Kirkman" maker names. There is no difference in the covers otherwise regardless of which one is used. Both are made here, by us, in Kentucky from the identical materials. Why those names? They are the maiden names of my grandmothers. Why have different maker marks? Realism. The chances of being issued all "matching" gear during WWII would have been extremely slim.

NOTE: The "Airborne" connection seems to have been assigned by collectors and reenactors who instantly baptize anything with extra stitching to be "paratrooper". As far as we can tell, these were issued indiscriminately to all troops.

Made in USA