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US Infantry Webgear Package
US Infantry WW2 Webgear Package

: $139.99

Choose Haversack*:

Choose Belt/ Ammo Pouch*:

Choose Canteen Cover*:

Choose First Aid Pouch*:

Add SMG or Carbine Pouches*:

Add Canteen*:

Add Shovel:

Add Shovel Carrier:

Add extender belt:

Add Pistol Holster*:

Add Bayonet:

Add Pistol Mag Pouch*:

Product Description
Set with pistol belt, carbine
pouches (the other is carried
on the stock) and M1916 Holster.
A typical rig for officers.
Set with pistol belt and
SMG mag pouch for
"tommy" gunners

We now allow you to build your own field equipment packages for WWII US Infantrymen. The basic package consists of ammunition belt, first aid pouch, Haversack, and canteen cover. There are numerous choices of the basic items as well as several available options. The options are configured to interact with the item inventories- if they are out of stock, the system will notify you if you attempt to add them to the shopping cart.

Base Price Package Includes:
JQMD Cartridge Belt
M1928 Haversack, complete
JQMD First Aid Pouch
JQMD Canteen Cover

Additional Cost Options:
Shovels and Entrenching Tools

Canteen not included (It's in the photo only because an empty cover looks odd)
For specific information on any item with in a set go to that individual item page on our site and read the details and sizing information where it applies.